LAD #26: William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" Speech
Summarize: William Jennings Bryan advocated that the gold standard was not the only efficient money system. He claimed that silver was just as good at backing money. Bryan supported bimetalism, which he believed would bring America a prosperity they would not have under the gold standard. Bryan reflects on how the silver Democrats came to be on March 4, 1895: a group of Democrats sought to convince their party of the benefits of the silver standard. Bryan states that the silver Democrats reflect the wished of the comman American. To counter gold standard supporters' belief that a silver standard would hurt business Bryan argues that everyone who works for a wage is a businessman and, therefore, if the common people benefit so will the majority of America. Bryan claims that the biggest issue the Democrats face is the potential of McKinley becoming president. Bryan fears that he will become tyrannical and fully support the growth of big businessmen. This would be detrimental to the...